Roy Smith Memorial Scholarship
The Norwood Rotary Club is offering a $1000 Post-Secondary scholarship to a graduating Senior who resides in Norwood. The scholarship is given in memory of Roy Smith, Past President of the Norwood Rotary Club and founder of the scholarship program for residents of Norwood to obtain a post secondary, vocational education.
Applications must be returned on or before May 30, 2020 to the Norwood Rotary Club, Roy Smith Memorial Scholarship
The Norwood Rotary Club is offering a $1000 Post-Secondary scholarship to a graduating Senior who resides in Norwood. The scholarship is given in memory of Roy Smith, Past President of the Norwood Rotary Club and founder of the scholarship program for residents of Norwood to obtain a post secondary, vocational education.
Applications must be returned on or before May 30, 2020 to the Norwood Rotary Club,